Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Nad T765 A/v Surround Sound Receiver Best Price

kore_black @ 2006-07-20T00: 29:00

today I've started with my sister almost at Adam and Eve, because the übern Lebanon and Iran has bitched. As a note: My sister main student and this year is rattled by the quality. My question was (with 3.2)

: Why there's trouble?
My sister: because Israel is not to like? (Back issue)
You: Yes, and who but a right to be down there.
Me: Did you? Israel has since the second world war down there. The country was simply chosen portrayed and ready. (Well, drawn in the map, but is almost the same.)
you: Just like that?
I: More or less yes.
you: is it not in order.
Me: Can you say that.
you: And what they've said that have lived there previously.
I: asking me once the Palestinians.
you: Oh these are the?
Me: Yes. -_-
you: Oh.
I: And what do you say?
you: And Lebanon and Iran?
I: The keep the Palestinians. Somebody has to do it, yes.
you: Who is to blame now?
Me: Guess!
you: Bush.
I: Fast.
this: The United States? I
: Jap.


My nerves.


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