So, I will summarize here the last few days something was going on.
was the only really big Moving on the program. Everything was beginning to look to the dark or find the truck, a driver. The original driver is, of course, jumped off, typical guys ewrst, large spit tones "Yeah I do it and lean on it udn blah" and at the end Kyo and I were alone in their house and have boxes packed cabinets removed and organized. Thank God there are still ex-boyfriends to which one can rely on. I is immediately stepped in as a driver, he knew Garnich NEN truck - driver's license but well, that was wayne ejtzt. NEN main driver.
Kyo: "We do not need men, only their tools"
Tuesday: After shock because her ex is non ausmehrt, I unceremoniously hauled boxes of Kyo with it we could.
Wednesday : pack pack pack
Thursday : Kyo - Toshiya Kai meets in Dresden with sangria XDD
Friday : pack, smoking pack pack . Pack And our bracelets have come *___*
After we packed the last week only, then Friday Kyo's Mum came with male support for cabinets that we receive non-separated have. The striking out while we are going on Saturday morning. The hießt also:
6:00 rising
7:00 Then came Frank and picked us up. then hot bring it to Dresden and from truck to Reila.
8:15 Invite the furniture at Reila, with many helpers, accordingly fix all went.
9:00 Were we then to Kyo and because their homes have been invited, including assistants also come along that are of Reila. On the hottest Kyo yes, the thought was all the time we get not everything in the truck, but we did it and it then fell 50 000 mountains from the heart ^ ^
11:15 Departure to Dresden. Reila's bike invite.
12:00 exit by truck direction Hennef. The ride was quiet sofweit gave ekin problems. We are at 90 km / h highway langgetuckert, although the road has been invited as beautiful from the grass, but with a speed limit on the part of the truck was something bad.
19:00 arrival in Hennef. Unloading, in part, give back
21:00 Departure to Dresden. We have slept, have runmgealbert. My ex did not want to make the usn Spast. We have annoyed the vonM something, but he would not eifnach. püüüüh!
And then ... came the light ...
2:30 Kyo and I have slept and suddenly we hear "shit", jerked it rocked. We came off the road and landed in the ditch. Thank God there was NEN Hang otherwise we would have beat us, course for the better had then also set the wheels in the soft grass. Frank has gotten himself and the truck has desperately tried to get back on the road but there was no more. Frank si weggepennt short, nodding off and such. Nja can not change that. We live and that's enough. Even though Kyo has seen the light at the end of the tunnel and I so wegbammen Like Final Destination, NEN tree through the windshield hunting and my head (damn German of my now!). Frank then called ADAC. Then amenm even the cops. You know not at all how cold the night at half past 5 may be nervous on your driveway! PORK COLD! But while Frank has dealt with the unfriendly cops, we were able to joke about girls but once again about what Frank is driving well with the policeman behind the truck.
The cop said: "Mr * beep *, but sometimes they come with me behind the truck." Kyo and I have to look to catch on animal grin ... Well, you certainly know what we thought. so "they can turn around times I must go to scan for sharp weapons ... oh what have we here reibz * * "I must explain it or? Nja or something along the lines of: "Oh but they have a big flashlight ..." YOU ALREADY KNOW!
Anyway, we went again this morning against 8:00 Clock in Dresden. Totally exhausted, and managed just fucked. Sleeping with was no longer so much. Kyo is back with the next bus in her Exwohnung still help their mom. I'm absolutely not up yet, has wanted to go to bed earlier, but come back again not to do so. Must have a shower, feel so Keimig. Mata ne ~ XDD
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