Monday, August 23, 2010

Does Gerber Still Make Blueberry Buckle

Bai bai love ....

.... bai bai

Today was one of my best girlfriends Abschiedspicknic deas, she finished her studies here and is the middle of next weeks to return to Japan. Actually, we would indeed have been to five, but two have been canceled at short notice ... well, we still had a great time. I baked some cupcakes and worried and my other friend has Onigiri cooked (we had to really eat much, as we had expected more:)). Meeting place was Schönbrunn and from there we are in the park where we settled down next to a saxophone player I * love * swarm saxophone .... we ate, gossiped and looked upon journals had brought with me my girlfriend from her Japan vacation. The musician I wanted to when he grabbed his things give another cupcake, but he has instead want to drink something and has a while to put us (he was from Agentienien, only 4 days here, does not speak German and has come here to learn the language, so brave, I find that really cool !!!). Something away from us a couple of folks have trained kendo, that was pretty exciting (I like hakama ...). As it grew darker and colder, we have set out to me (totally unplanned - it was not cleaned up and stood in the hallway, the laundry to dry ...). In my case we have then listened to music, gossip, and pictures looked on the net (first photos of me in Lolita, then Cristo and its packaging art, then Steampunk, and at the end pirate and Waloita - so everything mixed colors) . It was really beautiful, and I can not believe that my little Japanese friend only once next week and shall see no more then a long time .... I miss it now really, she is the person I eigentlch (optional) most frequently / regularly see the most and I'll probably be pretty lonely when she's gone (even though I understand that, in accordance ü , about 3 years back will - especially when it is your friend in Japan ...)

Ps: At the top song fits "me Play the song of death" perfect!


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